Shaelynn is 3 wks. now and is starting to look around and take in her little world...

I just realized I hadn't even gotten the camera out in over a week. When I had Austin I probably dressed him up and took pictures of him almost every day.....

but I have to give myself a break....I'm still recovering from this one.... :)

Isn't she cute her little nightgown.....and I love purple....ha ha......what a doll!
She's adorable! I can't remember if I posted or not since you had her, but I'm sorry to hear about the emergency c-section. That's what I had when Jaden was born and it was awful to recover from. Just give yourself a lot of time before you start doing things again. She's sure a cutie!
Hi Mica! Your baby is a DOLL! What a cutie! I don't think I've ever seen your youngest son in person either, but he sure is a cutie too! Hope you guys are doing well. I have Christmas cards for everyone, but haven't mailed them because the photo cards got lost.(Makayla accidentally sent them to the Tooele Wal-Mart instead of the Springville one!) We are all doing really well. I guess you heart about Chad leaving. It was devastating at first, but it's amazing what you see in retrospect! Take good care, Love you guys,
Oh, how cute. I love to see what bows you use for each outfit. Heaven knows you have a bow for everything! I tried to make you a bow for the snuggely that I gave you, but it just wasn't coming together, and I just gave up. I figured you could do a better job. I know what you mean about struggeling to get the pictures. I didn't even put a dress or a bow on Bella for church yesterday! Oh well. Anyway, she looks adorable. . I can't wait to see her!
Absolutely Darling! She looks like she'll have no trouble keeping up with the others in a while... :)
Hey, I have been meaning to contact you for weeks now to see how you are doing and if you needed anything. But, in all the move chaos I misplaced your number.
Congratualaions! She is seriously so cute. Let me know if you need anything and I am serious about that. We do need to try and get together sometime, I still don't know many people yet.
Mica! She is so cute! Sorry I haven't congratulated you till now! You have an adorable little family!! Miss ya!
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