Yes....we are following the mom & sister & I decided it would probably be best to know who was looking at our blogs with our cute kiddos on them (and sometimes I do stupid things like say something about where we live)! So if you want to still see what were up to just leave me your e-mail, I love to hear from all of you and see what you're doing too!

I never posted any Christmas pictures and I was playing around with some scrapbook pages here you go.....our traditional Christmas Eve P.J.' fun!!!
Since we are going to do the same I totally understand about going private! :D I just created a second blog for the sole purpose being to leave it public for people who find me to leave their emails on so that they can view the private blog- that way I can keep the info and pics of the kids safe, but people can still find us...we shall see if it works! Both blogs are attached to the my same profile, seemed like a good idea when I thought of it! :D I haven't actually gone private yet- but we will!
Hi I have been lurking on your blog for a while now and you have a beautiful family. I am Brandy Lewis Mayer one of Daniel's friends from high school. I would love to be added to your list. My email is Also send me your email and I will add you to my list.
thanks :)
my address is I love reading your blog so I still want to be included. I totally understand about going private I have thought about doing the same.
and my mom's is
How do you do that scrapbook online? Sooo cute. Mica you're so good at that kind of stuff! You do have my email so sign me up. I think I would go private if I felt like it wouldn't take me all day to figure it out!
Please add me to your list!!! We love keeping up with you guys!
Hey your email the other day, but haven't responded!! SORRY!!! Just to let you know, our girls are only days apart, Suzie Ann Thompson was born on Dec 16!! So fun...we need to get together again, but I moved...Did you know that? Anyway, here's the I'll get my act together and said you some pix etc....oh, and I don't have a blog, but obviously need one!!
hi this is sara shanan's friend i have met u a couple of times i have made a blog and saw yours on shanans page and would love to still beable to look at urs here is my email
here's my e-mail:
P.S. i love the pics see you soon!
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